Brunton 5012 AXIS Pocket Transit Compass

SKU : Brunton 5012

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Spesifikasi Produk
  • Unique dual axis hollow hinge allows for easy and intuitive measurements of any line or plane.
  • The lid rotates 360˚ around both axes, making measurements possible for any surface including overhangs. The lid can extend or create the measurement surface itself.
  • The default orientation of compass North makes this the only transit in the world that can measure strike & dip simultaneously. A simple rotation of the azimuth ring also allows simultaneous measurement of dip angle & dip direction if that is preferred.
  • A secondary axis of rotation and lid protractor allows simultaneous measurement of trend & plunge.
  • The hollow hinge/sighting tube allows for direct horizontal and vertical sighting measurements.
  • Hinge dial enables dip angle measurements and also serves as a versatile protractor.
  • Excellent contact and sighting measurement capabilities.
  • Dual long-level bubbles allow the user to level the compass from the sides and bottom.
  • The flat bottom allows for easier dip angle and dip azimuth measurements at low angles.
  • The needle can be set to lock automatically, allowing for accurate readings.
  • The precision NdFeB disc magnet provides very accurate readings and resists demagnetization.
  • Our magnetic needle can be balanced for use almost anywhere in the world .
  • Induction dampening makes for a quick-settling needle.
  • A sapphire jewel bearing allows for smooth needle movement throughout the life of the instrument.
  • The needle lock button can lock or free the needle, depending on the model.
  • The internal components are sealed with an O-ring for improved water and dust resistance.
  • All transits are compatible with our Jacobs Staff/Tripod ball and socket adaptor.
  • Each model is available in either Azimuth (0-360) or Quadrant (0-90) formats.
  • Each comes with a protective leather case, perfect for carrying your Brunton in the field.
  • Made in the USA in Riverton, Wyoming.

Global Hutama || Pusatnya Alat Survey GPS Geologi Telekomunikasi Laboratorium & Alat Ukur Indonesia
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