GPS South Insight V2 Antenna RTK-GNSS

SKU : South Insight V2

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Visualize Stakeout
Insight V2 utilizes the latest technology, transmitting image data and calibration to a data controller, with which users can obtain real-time images that navigate them to the correct position. Moreover, the IMU calibration enables users to stake out without leveling the bubble, saving more time and significantly boosting productivity. Visualization makes stakeout simple than ever before.

Maintain Small Size
Although adding the new function AR stakeout, V2 still maintains a small size. With 131mm(φ)×80mm(H) dimensions and a weight of only 800g, this receiver is only palm-size, compact, and convenient enough to carry everywhere.

Advance Positioning
V2 exploits the 1598-channel GNSS board to track satellites from all constellations. In addition, the system-on-a-chip (SoC) design suppresses the signal interference and assists in obtaining high-quality observation data from constellations. Benefiting from this, V2 perform precise positioning, even in harsh environment.

Handle the Power
The built-in 6800mAh durable battery can support V2 continuously working for the daytime. Meanwhile, the run-out battery can be fast-charged on the Type-C interface. At the bottom of the receiver are four battery indicators, each representing 25% of the power. Thus, users can check the power without turning on V2.

Global Hutama || Pusatnya Alat Survey GPS Geologi Telekomunikasi Laboratorium & Alat Ukur Indonesia
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