Fluke 709H Loop Calibrator

SKU : Fluke 709H

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The Fluke 709H mA loop calibrator is designed to save time and produce high-quality results. It includes HART communication and supports a select set of the HART universal and common practice commands. This makes the 709H unique as both an affordable, compact loop calibrator and powerful HART communication tool that offers:

  • Fast transfer of calibration data:The optional 709H/Track software/cable can document the parameters of all the HART transmitters in your plant, in either (.csv) or (.txt) format
  • Data logging or recording data on a particular transmitter for troubleshooting: The data log tool offers a selectable capture interval from 1 to 60 seconds and a logging capacity of 9800 records or 99 individual sessions. Each data sample contains the 709H measurement, all four process variables, and the standard status conditions.

Feature :

  • Provides resolution of 1 µA on mA ranges and 1 mV on voltage ranges
  • Quickly transfers calibration data for documentation in either (.csv) or (.txt) format with optional 709H/Track software/cable
  • Offers selectable capture interval from 1 to 60 seconds and a logging capacity of 9800 records or 99 individual sessions.
  • Features small rugged design and runs on six standard AAA batteries
  • Requires only simple two wire connection for all measurements
  • Provides Auto Shutdown to conserve battery life (adjustable up to 30 minutes)
  • Offers variable step and ramp time in seconds
  • Provides adjustable span selection (0 to 20 mA or 4 to 20 mA)
  • Includes valve test functionality (simulate defined mA values with % keys)

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